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13 March, 2023
By E.G White
Many have inquired of me, “What course shall I take to best preserve my health?” My answer is, Cease to transgress the laws of your being; cease to gratify a depraved appetite;...
10 August, 2022
In the first sermon of Jesus Christ on the mount, He made mention of the two gates of destiny set in front of all humanity. These doorways lead to different destinations in life; one to eternal destruction...
08 July, 2022
For more than a thousand years the Jewish people had awaited the Savior’s coming. Upon this event they had rested their brightest hopes. In song and prophecy, in temple rite and household prayer, they...
05 July, 2022
NO BOOK HAS BEEN SO LOVED, SO HATED, so damned as the Bible. Others have killed for it. It has inspired man’s greatest, noblest acts and been blamed for his most damnable and degenerate. Wars have raged...
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